Benefits of Small batch-gelatin rich bone broth:
- Food for the Gut - boosts immune health, the cornerstone o optimal health
- Promotes healthy skin & coat
- It's a natural source of collagen, minerals, and glucosamine - helps with joint pain & arthritis.
Recommended serving size: 1 oz per 20 pounds with every meal.
Ingredients for Broth: Filtered Water, Marrow Bones, Apple Cider Vinegar
Ingredients for Sheep milk: raw sheep milk
Ingredients for Sheep milk: raw sheep milk, kefir grains
Directions: Serve as a delicious daily treat, food topper or use to moisten food. Keep in freezer up to 6 months. Once defrosted, keep in fridge and use within 7 days.
Bundle Contains: Elk, Emu, Chicken, Beef, Venison, Duck and Ostrich bone broth,
Raw Sheep Milk and Raw Sheep Kefir
Net Weight 20 oz per unit
This item is frozen - It will ship only on Monday or Tuesday.
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Benefits of Small batch-gelatin rich bone broth:
- Food for the Gut - boosts immune health, the cornerstone o optimal health
- Promotes healthy skin & coat
- It's a natural source of collagen, minerals, and glucosamine - helps with joint pain & arthritis.
Recommended serving size: 1 oz per 20 pounds with every meal.
Ingredients for Broth: Filtered Water, Marrow Bones, Apple Cider Vinegar
Ingredients for Sheep milk: raw sheep milk
Ingredients for Sheep milk: raw sheep milk, kefir grains
Directions: Serve as a delicious daily treat, food topper or use to moisten food. Keep in freezer up to 6 months. Once defrosted, keep in fridge and use within 7 days.
Bundle Contains: Elk, Emu, Chicken, Beef, Venison, Duck and Ostrich bone broth,
Raw Sheep Milk and Raw Sheep Kefir
Net Weight 20 oz per unit
This item is frozen - It will ship only on Monday or Tuesday.